Student accommodation useful content for you to read and download

There is a lot to think about when renting a property, especially if this is your first time. We have put together a set of documents and downloads, which, we think, will go a long way towards answering those questions and getting you on your way.

The documents section includes:

1. FAQ's for the questions we most commonly get asked:
2. Essential forms allows you to access all the forms we need completing:
3. The tenancy agreement is the most important legal document you need to read and understand.
4. Tenant's advice notes includes the small print of the conditions and charges of renting one of our properties.
5. The cleaning guide is your key to ensuring your deposit is returned promptly at the end of your tenancy.
6. Privacy Policy includes the small print for website use and how we protect your data.

Got a Good Idea for Inclusion?

If there are other documents you would like to see here, just drop us a line and we will consider them for inclusion. Please contact us here .

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